Hi, Dave,

I can't point you to a guide, but I can share my experiences. Being a 
technical writer, I've had occasion to embed lots of screen shots in lots 
of documents and then render PDF versions of those documents with FOP. In 
the process, I've learned a couple things.

Naturally, you need to do all the things that help when working with any 
image: Use an uncluttered image. Use an image with good contrast. Try not 
to scale it too drastically.

For FOP in particular, you can help yourself out by using its native image 
formats: GIF and JPEG. Ever since some fellow decided to start suing 
companies that use GIFs, I mostly use JPEGs. You can get other image 
formats to work with FOP, but that's more overhead. Other than that, it's 
better to make a big image small than it is to make a small image big. 
That's true in general, of course, but it seems to be even more true in 
PDF (note that this isn't especially a FOP thing - it's a PDF thing).

Good thread to start.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

David 'Dox' Shevitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/13/2005 10:18 AM
Please respond to


Best Practices for Images and FOP 0.20.5

Hello all,

I know that the topic of images and FOP has been addressed numerous 
times, but the information I've been finding seems very specific to 
certain situations or image types.

I'm hoping to find some sort of "guidelines" or "best practices" 
document that describes how to use images in FOP. Two examples: are 
certain image types better than others? What is the best way to control 
the size of the image so it looks consistent throughout a pdf?

Again, I'm sorry if these questions have been addressed before, and I 
just missed it. But I do appreciate any help!


Dave Shevitz

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