> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas L. Delmelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi David,

> I'll have a look as soon as I find the time, but
> this won't be today/tonight. Stay tuned.

First of all: no offence and no big deal, but I asked for the result of the
main XSL transformation, while you posted the XML and the XSL... maybe that
didn't come through clearly enough. We encourage posting the intermediate FO
result, as that could already lead you to discover possible errors in the
XSL transformation step yourself. If there are issues in there, questions
belong either on Mulberry's XSLT list or the ML for the XSLT processor
you're using (Xalan, Saxon...), but they have nothing to do with FOP. (This
is intended as a hint for future inquiries. No need to worry right now...)

Some free XSLT advice:
In your XSL, you have this somewhere:
   <xsl:apply-templates select="//result" />
Generally, this is considered bad practice. If your source XML gets larger
and more complicated, this will cause a lot of unnecessary tree traversals
(since the XSLT processor --quite correctly-- assumes you want to look at
*every* level in the source tree to see if there are *any* 'result' nodes
Don't use this unless you absolutely don't have a clue where these nodes
will be located in the document.
Instead, in this case you can use a path like:
  <xsl:apply-templates select="body/resultset/result" />
  <xsl:apply-templates select="*/*/result" />

(That said, I don't know exactly what you have learned about XSLT, but
judging from what you posted, it seems that you would benefit very much from
taking --or giving yourself-- a crash course in pure XSLT. Again, no
offence, but it will help you understand better what can or cannot be
achieved, and make the separation between pure XSLT and XSL-FO a bit
clearer, so you get a better picture of what part is handled by FOP.)

One thing I also noticed:
If you plan on using future FOP versions, you will need to put the
fo:region-body as the first region in the fo:simple-page-master. (I can't
immediately find the constraint in the XSL-FO Rec that enforces this, but
I'm pretty sure it has a good reason...)

Other than that, the current development version still chokes on the
absolute-positioned fo:block-container inside an fo:inline. Since the
fo:inline here has no children other than that fo:b-c, I would suggest
removing it entirely, and moving the fo:b-c one level up.

Still having to use FOP 0.20.5, you're out of luck, and will have to find
some way to make sure the block-containers are created as direct children of
the fo:flow... (i.e. by terminating the fo:block before inserting the
fo:block-container --theoretically, it should make no difference, but in
practice, I admit, it can turn out to be a real pain)




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