On 11.08.2005 10:51:23 Tony Morris wrote:
> I am attempting to generate a RTF document from a simple FO document.
> I am generating the FO from a XHTML source using the Antenna House XSL.
> The FO document is at http://pastebin.com/334402
> The error produced from the Ant task is:
> [fop] 11/08/2005 18:46:24 org.apache.fop.fo.properties.EnumLength getValue
> [fop] SEVERE: getValue() called on AUTO length

It's not good that you don't get line information where the problem
happens. Looks like we have a few things to improve in this area.

Anyway, the problem is the "auto" value on page-width and page-height in
the simple-page-master. FOP doesn't seem to support that, yet. The RTF
is generated all the same and looks pretty much ok here.

Doing this helps:
    <fo:simple-page-master page-height="29.7cm" page-width="21cm" 

Jeremias Maerki

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