Thomas Winkler wrote:

Hi Chris,

Really strange, it still doesn't work on fo:table-row.
However border-after-style="dotted" and
border-bottom="dotted" works well on fo:table-cell.

I suspect borders on table rows/columns aren't yet implemented because they can causes problems in a separate border collapse model. Jeremias will confirm this on his return.

Just two more questions : after downloading the latest
source and compiling them I can't find the Driver
class in fop.jar.

The API has changed in the development version. You are supposed to use the FOP class instead.

Next question : getting total number of pages like
this :
 <fo:flow ...>
   <fo:block id="last-page"/>

 <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="last-page"/>

will throw the following exception on the shell :

:java.lang.ClassCastException :

Is it a bug or is it not allowed to get total number
of pages in that way ?

Looks like youve found a bug! I don't suppose you could create a bugzilla entry and attach a sample FO.



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