You can send the FO file to me directly, and I'll try to isolate the
problem so I can create a simple, automatable test case for our

On 13.09.2005 17:22:33 Sonja Löhr wrote:
> > Can you provide an example? I can't reproduce the problem. Thanks.
> Of course. 
> Shall/May I attach the whole big fo file here so you could just plug it
> in? Here are some snippets.
> The index table of contents has its own page-sequence-master as it is in
> two columns. 
> In the pdf output, there is just one question mark instead of a number.
> I already simplyfied index to exclude problems with overflow or so. 
> <fo:page-sequence language="de" hyphenate="false"
> initial-page-number="3" master-reference="inhaltsverzeichnis">
> <fo:static-content flow-name="toc-odd-after">
> <fo:block padding-top="0.6cm" text-align="end">
>       <fo:page-number/>
> </fo:block>
> </fo:static-content>
> <fo:static-content flow-name="toc-even-after">
>       <fo:block padding-top="0.6cm" text-align="start">
>               <fo:page-number/>
>       </fo:block>
> </fo:static-content>
> <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
> <fo:block space-after="1.5cm" font-size="20pt">Inhalt</fo:block>
>       <fo:block>
>               <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="N1005A"/> :
>                  Bartschneider 
>       </fo:block>
>       <fo:block>
>               <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="N1006A"/> :
>                 Dampfbügeleisen 
>       </fo:block>
>       <fo:block>
>               <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="N1007A"/> :
>               ProStyle Bügeleisen 
>       </fo:block>
> [and so on]
> </fo:flow>
> </fo:page-sequence>
> <fo:page-sequence hyphenate="true" master-reference="content">
>       [A long, long table with table-header, some of the table rows (those
> containing the group name) carry the ids for the page-number-citation:]
> <fo:table-row height="2.2cm" id="N1005A">
>       <fo:table-cell border="0.2mm solid black" 
>       display-align="center" number-columns-spanned="8">
>       <fo:block start-indent="3.6cm" 
> font-weight="bold"    font-size="24pt" display-align="center"
> space-before="0.8cm"> Bartschneider 
> </fo:block>
> </fo:table-cell>
> </fo:table-row>
> [...]
> </fo:page-sequence>

Jeremias Maerki

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