
thanks. with file:///E:/mypath_to_font.... it works...

btw: the path to the metrics can be setup as relative path to the "startup dir" but the "fontpath has to be absolute..."


Manuel Mall wrote:
On Wed, 28 Sep 2005 05:07 am, Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
On Sep 27, 2005, at 22:27, Dirk Bromberg wrote:
i wants to test to switch my project from 20.5 to dev.

Now i want to embedd my ttf fonts via the fop.xconf.
<snip />

but i always get the exception "D:\mypath_to_run\ArialUNI.xml
FileNotFoundException" .... the Path is not relative to the xconf!
it is relative to my running directory.
Ouch! The user-configuration functionality is not fully ported yet,
especially the baseURL bit... Sorry. The entry is present in
fop.xconf, but currently serves no purpose.

Since I do need to finish up a few things in that area of the code,
most likely I'll be able to squeeze it in during the weekend.

How can i set the right directory? I've tried to set the
D:\mypath_to_run\confdir as basePath via the
fop.getUserAgent().setBaseURL(...) but there was no change...
The only way I see that might --note: not 100% sure-- temporarily
solve your problem is to include the full pathnames in the
font-triplet (possibly even as full 'file://' URLs to avoid them from
being interpreted as a relative URLs)

Why the baseURL isn't taken into account when building the font-list,
I'm not certain, but this does mean that even if I complete the
user-configurable baseURL, it still won't work as it did before...

For now, try out with absolute URLs in the triplets. As far as I
understand the related code, that should do the trick.

This is a known problem with the trunk code (see http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=36729). I had a look at fixing it but it involves changes to the font subsystem. That area of code is currently being completely rewritten (integration of a 3rd party font system) and I would expect this to be fixed as part of that work. However, this may not happen in a real hurry.

For the time being you have to use absolute paths or to be more correct full URLs in your font definition files, that is everything must start with file:// as Andreas suggested and be fully qualified.

If not, don't hesitate to report back.





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