
Thanx for your reply. Yes I do want to ultimately make it look like it did 
when I just dumped the entire report body under one page sequence, however I 
cannot use one page sequence due to memory overflow issues. I'm still a 
little concerned as to why I'm having memory overflow if it is the norm to 
use one page sequence for the report body as I've done. As for my stylesheet, 
I'm not offended at all from your comments rather I'm just not as concerned 
on that part of it. The end result would be the same no matter what technique 
I used in XSLT and the performance of the stylesheet is acceptible when I use 
Xalan directly to produce FO. The only big question here is, "Can I get away 
with using one page sequence or do I have to use multiple page sequences?" 
Another equally big question is, "How do I go about using multiple page 
sequences effectively if I have no other option?"
On Tuesday 06 December 2005 4:07 pm, Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
> > Here's a brief synopsis of how things work. A group of Java classes
> > run
> > multiple queries to pull data from the db and into a result set.
> > Some more
> > Java code transforms the data into XML (sort of an intermediate
> > form for the
> > report). my stylesheet then takes the resultset tranformed into XML
> > and
> > transforms it again into FO for the FOP engine. The data can be
> > voluminous
> > and we are looking into streamlining the process. My major
> > bottleneck now has
> > been the stylesheet creating FO that appears to be choking the FO
> > engine. In
> > a perfect world I'd love to just dump the report in one page
> > sequence element
> > and have the engine sort it out but it doesn't appear to work well
> > that way.
> So IIC, you need to make it look like it had all been placed under
> one page-sequence. (more or less: only the very last page in the
> document can be filled partly, but the rest needs to appear as if it
> were one fo:flow in one fo:page-sequence). Is that a correct assessment?
> Cheers,
> Andreas
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Clifton C. Craig, Software Engineer

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