On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 16:53:26 +0100, Marcel Hoffmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a problme with the "id already exists" issue that has - to my
knowledge - not been discussed in this group.

The fo file I use carries a fo:wrapper node in the header section. The
wrapper node appears only once. Nevertheless FOP is not able to process
the fo file and returns the following error code.
[ERROR] file:/E:/chiron/batchprotest/test4.fo:2:2947 The id
"Produktname" already exists in this document

Does anyone know a solution for this that can be emplyed before the
release of FOP 1.0
I think this is a xml problem.

You seem to use something like
  <tag id="Produktname" />
  <othertag id="Produktname" />

But id tags need to be unique. Try to use an xml validator on your document to
check if it is valid xml.


Jens Skripczynski [skripi-lists(at) myrealbox (dot) com]

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