10:01:48,302 WARN [FONode] Warning(Unknown location): fo:table-column, In the separate border model (border-collapse="separate"), borders cannot be specified on a fo:table-column, but a non-zero value for border was found. The border will be ignored.

I don't like this phrasing. One can place (specify) any property on any FO. (See first sentence of Chapter 5.[1]) I wonder if the FOP developer who did this is mistaking FO Tree properties (where the users can set whatever properties they want) with area traits (in which certain traits will indeed be ignored or set to zero, as per the spec.)

> WARN  [FONode] Warning(Unknown location): fo:table-row, fo:table-row
> does not have padding (see the property list for fo:table-row in XSL
> 1.0), but a non-zero value for padding was found. The padding will be
> ignored.
> Solution:  Remove superfluous row padding.

This is a much better phrasing. It states a fact (this property will be ignored) while not incorrectly stating that the user *cannot* set this property.


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl11/#refinement

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