John Quinn wrote:
The xml has no '&' in it.  It is formed directly from data that is extracted
from the database.

Well, experience tells that database content is the most common
source of trouble like unescaped ampersands. But you're right,
the error message says indeed the problem is with the style sheet.

Are you using xsl:import or xsl:include? Are you referring to
a DTD or external XML entities? Are you using an URLResolver or
an entity resolver? Could you check whether the XML parser instance
you use is provided by the JBoss environment (you might have to
check the service definition for the parser factory, or better
talk to someone who knows how parser instance creation is handled
by JBoss).

You should also try to save a sample XML source into a file and
run the FOP command line application with your XML+XSLT. Checking
the XSLT with xmllint might be an idea too.


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