
  Doesn't the following have to result in a table with a
border of 1pt, and two rules of 0.25pt?

    <fo:table border-style="solid" border-width="1pt">
      <fo:table-column column-width="100pt"/>
      <fo:table-body border-width="0.25pt">
          <fo:table-cell border-bottom-style="solid">
              <fo:inline>Line 1</fo:inline>
          <fo:table-cell border-bottom-style="solid">
              <fo:inline>Line 2</fo:inline>
              <fo:inline>Line 3</fo:inline>

  Actually, the two rules are of 1pt.  Is it expected?  I
thought that by "inherit", the value was the one of the
nearest ancestor with that value (well, the value in the
parent, itself maybe "inherit").

  So is the above result right or a bug?

  PS: I use FOP 0.92beta.




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