----- original Nachricht --------

Betreff: Re: RTF, nested tables, context enhancement - status
Gesendet: Mo 22 Mai 2006 22:30:07 CEST
Von: "Jeremias Maerki"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> page-number-citation and page numbering: Both work to at least a certain
> degree. Can you elaborate on the problems you're seeing?
RTF does not know any «citation», so you need to write a character '2', if you 
want a link to display a page information refering to page '2'. For example an 
index at the end of the document does not know, which page explains «Barcode» 
and all links will show a question mark.

I thought about that last night (while cruising through the PDF-renderer to 
compare my table width «guessing» with the already implemented one) and draw 
the following conclusion:

Fact 1: RTF knows page breaks
Fact 2: RTF is page-oriented
Fact 3: RTF aligns elements absolute
Fact 4: RTF does not know anything about the document's structuring

Conclusion: RTF differs not that much from PDF-rendering (only written tokens 
are a bit different)
-> Use the PDF-layout management system and add a RTF-writer. So RTF would look 
exactly like all PDFs. And there's only a slight difference from 
Office-generated RTFs: page breaks after every page.

> What's exactly the problem with graphics? We've got pretty good support
> for many cases, even SVG now.
I was only talking about the current RTF export. AFAIK GIFs are not rendered 
(there was an annoying exception string inside the document).

> GIF: The LZW patents are expired but still it's a good idea to forget
> GIF. The legal side is still less than clear.
But PDF «understands» GIFs, so I can use them. Should be the same with RTF, and 
the only thing I'll do is reading them and transform into a RTF-compatible 
format...if it's not legal I won't do this...

> RTF does support referenced images.
So there ought to be a switch (render to the document, use references)

> Over all, your post seems to address topics which, as far as I know, are
> mostly solved, so I'm not really sure what you're after. Maybe if you'd
> show the problems you're trying to address with examples....
I only wanted to check any progress, maybe I forgot some important fact or any 
discussion. But the referencing of page-number-citation is one problem (we 
already discussed this in February), nesting tables, indenting...everything 
which needs structures inside structures (a block inside a block, a table 
inside a block, a block inside a table...)

> Anyway, we're looking forward to any patches against FOP SVN Trunk you
> might have. At any rate, you'd have problems committing anything to the
> repository without write access. That privilege will need to be earned
> first. ;-)
I know, therefore the review-strategy and «restructuring» the RTF-renderer will 
break it for a while (compiles, but does not produce any usable document). By 
now it's just transforming FOP-events to RTF-tags and I ran into problems which 
were solved with the new FOP-code (more effective memory usage) but seemed to 
be necessary (e.g. a table's width can only be determined if all columns were 
parsed, therefore you need to save previous column objects and by nesting 
tables it gets quite heavy [tried to experiment a bit with auto-table-layout, 
so you need all the rows, too])

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