As mentioned already a few days ago, font-family parsing is not 100%
correct at the moment. You can work around that by using single quotes:
font-family="'Monotype Corsiva'" or don't use spaces in font names. :-)

On 29.05.2006 10:26:44 Debasish Jana wrote:
> Hi,
>   There seems to be a problem in FOP 0.92 for some fonts having spaces in
> font family names in the fop.xconf file. For e.g., if I have "Monotype
> Corsiva" in the fop.xconf file and my file, FOP tries to search
> with "Corsiva", cannot find any such name and replaces with the default
> font. I am attaching my file and the fop.xconf file.

Jeremias Maerki

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