This is a known issue documented in the release notes:
"If two consecutive pages don't have the same available width, the
content currently isn't properly fit into the available space on the new

Technical background:
For this to work, we need a first-fit algorithm for page breaking and a
reset mechanism for layout manager operating in

On 29.05.2006 15:04:04 Martin Zak wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a sequence of pages for a book chapter with first page different.
> First page (it's always odd page) uses the end-region to show the short 
> chapter TOC thus the region-body is narrowed (by the width of region-end).
> Following pages are alternatively even/odd pages with "normal" 
> region-body (full width).
> When I render the sequence, first page looks ok (narrow body and toc on 
> the right side).
> Unfortunately all other pages have _also_ narrowed region-body.
> In fact even/odd pages from sequence are used (as there is no region-end 
> rendered), but the region-body of these pages gets the wrong width 
> (which is the same as on first page).
> When I manually place the page-break to text flow, the following pages 
> (after the break) are rendered OK (in full width)!
> I think I didn't miss anything and it seems to me as the FOP bug.
> Anyway I would like to ask the List prior posting a report...
> Any help welcomed :)
> Cheers
> Martin
> ===
> FOP version: 0.92beta
> Attachments:
> - (source to render sequence_bug_wrong.pdf)
> - sequence_bug_wrong.pdf (wrong region-body on second and following pages)
> - sequence_bug_correct.pdf (correct sequence after adding the page-break 
> to text flow)
> Note:
> -the .fo snippet is simplified and works only with page sequence as 
> [first/all others]. There are no even/odd pages.
> - the red border shows the topmost fo:block to highlight the region-body 
> width.
> ===

Jeremias Maerki

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