Rick Roen wrote:
I have
substituted Saxon for Xalan so I could get XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 support,
but other than that, I think its pretty standard.

Saxon is an XSLT processor. XSLT processors don't do the validation.
XML parsers or specific validation processors are responsible for

Do you notice anything else wrong with anything? I checked the Xerces site
and didn't notice anything.

It's common that XSLT processors disable validation if they allocate
the XML parser, although I thought this only disables to validation
against a DTD. Maybe Xerces has to be told explicitly to validate
against an XSchema. There ought to be ways to do this without hacking
the code, I vaguely remember setting a Java system property (which can
bo done on the command line). Maybe you should ask on the Xerces user
list for more help.


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