

I have been using FOP for about six months and I have not found a way better than tables yet.


With HTML I could specify a width of a span element and make if right or left aligned, however I don’t know of a way to do this with FOP so I am left with tables.


With FOP I don’t think there is the admonition against using tables that there is with CSS.  I don’t really understand if from CSS anyway since the fact that tables are still widely used for layout demonstrates that they are a practical way of achieving a layout goal.


I’ll be interested to see if some other user has some practical alternative.






From: Niek van Elck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 7:13 AM
Subject: tables or no tables


Dear FOP users,


I’m quite new to the xsl-fo subject, allthough i have build a couple of pdf reports using xsl-fo.


I have encountered some limitations on fo:table

The book xsl-fo from o’reilly says there are so many other ways to represent data than the use of tables. The only thing missing is what the other ways are..


Is there anyone who can push me in the right direction?


Many thanks in advance.


Niek van Elck




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