can any one give sample code for converting xml or xsl or pdf to tiff file. I am new to this. experts can u help me in providing with sample codes

Oliver Hernàndez Valls wrote:

You can use this to instantiate the FOP object:

Fop fop = fopFactory.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_TIFF, userAgent, mtiff);

where userAgent is a FOUserAgent instance that you can use to configure your tiff and mtiff is the OutputStream where you want the image to be generated.

For further configuration (different image compressions) currently there's a developement on the trunk version of FOP and xmlgraphics-commons. That I think will be available soon.


En/na Richard S ha escrit:

I need to convert a XML or XSL file to tiff format. Is there any direct or indirect ways to do that.

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