On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 09:31:19PM +0200, Simon Pepping wrote:
> Thanks for the hint. I have posted a recommendation of versions 0.9x.

But it takes a while to arrive there, with gmane authentication and
all. This is what I wrote:

The FOP development team encourages all users of FOP to upgrade to
version 0.92. Soon we hope to follow up with version 0.93, which we
believe to be of production quality. You can check the coverage of the
XSL-FO spec on FOP's compliance page
http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/compliance.html. Besides a greater
coverage of the XSL-FO spec, FOP 0.9x has a better layout engine. It
uses the famous Knuth algorithm both for line breaking and page
breaking. For other features see the overview at
http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/latest/index.html, menu item

Because this version is in active development, contrary to the "latest
stable release" 0.20.5, reported bugs are fixed, and new features are
being implemented continually. Better font support is on the short
term todo list.

Feel free to add to that on Gmane or the XSL list.


Simon Pepping
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