
I have done transformation of xml to html. I am getting desired output using xalan parer.

No I have replace html with xsl-fo tags so that I should get pdf output.

1)     Is there any site which gives the html equivalent of xsl-fo tags?

A quick search on google revealed the html2fo project:


BTW, I believe what you are doing is not the best approach. A better solution is to generate 2 separate XSLT stylesheets; 1 to transform your own XML to HTML and another to tranform the XML to XSL-FO. Creating a chain like XML->HTML->XSL-FO means some features may be lost in translation.

2) I am getting null error while parsing. I have attached xsl and xml files please suggests me where is the actual problem.

You dont say what version of FOP you are using?

I had a quick look at your XSLT and there is a typo in the client template:

<xsl:template match="client">
   <xsl:value select="name"/>
   <xsl:value select="number"/>

The <xsl:value> element doesnt exist. I believe you meant <xsl:value-of>

BTW, this is a pure XSLT problem, which you would have spotted yourself if you ran the XSLT in a separate step before presenting FOP with the XSL-FO. If you call FOP with an XML and XSL file then it calls xalan to generate the XSL-FO first.


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