Hi Everyone,
  we have some fonts(TimesNewRoman,CourierNew etc) that are not part of base-14 
fonts supported by Adobe so when we run FOP 0.20.5 on windows 2000 server, it 
says "unknown font, so defaulted to any". we did not really need to use the 
same font so we ingnored it. 
  we are now replacing the server with a new windows 2003, so I tried running 
FOP 0.20.5 on the new server, even here it gives the same message "unknown 
font, so defaulted to any" but in the resulting PDF, there is a difference in 
the font size compared to the one generated in 2000 server. 
  we would like to know what does this font "any" means and where is it picking 
up the default font or "any" from?

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