Michiel Roos wrote:
Dear Karmal,

I read your mail as first this morning and it kind of struck me.

Usually my fop mail gets filtered out into the fop box, but your mail came through the filter.

The subject struck me first, then I read the mail. The syntax of the mail hints that it is about fop, but the words / concepts used kind of struck a chord in me.

Imposes a keep-together condition with strength "always" in the appropriate context.


I was hoping to see an email from a woman I met recently. I have known her for only a week but the experience has been a profound and powerful one.

So I kind of read your mail with that mindset.

. . . got me thinking again . . .

Cheers, kindest of regards,
Glad I inspired you (or at least the FO standard :)

I don't know why my email didn't get filtered, if it is any consolation, emails from fop-user don't get automatically filtered on my Thunderbird.

I can't help by feel that this is a round about way of asking me to be more specific in my posting on the mailing list. I will endeavour to do so in the future.

FYI, my name is not spelt with a 'r'.

Kamal Bhatt

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