On 27.11.2007 15:24:44 Daniel Rosenberg wrote:
> Ok, so this is perhaps rather uncommon. I guess the reason would be to
> improve readability and aesthetics -- it should be easy to read the
> text and it should look as good as possible.
> I do not see the way the operating system is involved, at least not if
> the fonts are embedded.

I meant it this way: Install the Latin Modern fonts in your operating
system. Does a word processor then automatically choose the right
variant depending on the font size? Not really. It actually shows you
each font separately in the font list because it gets all the fonts from
the operating system. Maybe some extremely sophisticated desktop
publishing application might bring its own font subsystem that would let
you do something like that, but not without a lot of manual
configuration, because the embedded information on how to interpret the
individual font files is most likely insufficient for Type 1 and
TrueType fonts.

> If the feature is supported by the PDF
> standard it should be supported by the PDF reader. Am i right? But
> perhaps there could be problems if the fonts are not embedded?

PDF doesn't directly support it but it the job of the producing
application to select the font to use for each character. So if FOP had
this functionality it could be made to work. But you could run into problems
if the fonts were not embedded, yes.

Look, if you absolutely want this feature, you'll have to look into it
yourself and submit a patch. Otherwise, you simply have to use the
work-around shown earlier.

Jeremias Maerki

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