On Dec 2, 2007, at 22:27, Michael Siepmann wrote:

Hi Michael


Very long shot, but could it have something to do with the encryption?

Can you try commenting out the following line:

   userAgent.getRendererOptions().put("encryption-params", new
PDFEncryptionParams(null, null, true, false, false, false));

As I've said before: the code with the userAgent can be removed. My first version was without this code and with the same result.

One more thing to check (don't know if you already took that step):
Are you certain that the FO that gets passed to FOP (= the result of the XSL transformation) is identical in both cases?

If there is nothing in the FO but two fo:page-sequences with one empty fo:block, this could explain the two empty pages.

Via the command-line, you can obtain the FO through the '-foout' command-line option. You could then try testing the servlet by passing it that FO and an XSLT stylesheet performing an identity transform.

Another option is to alter the servlet to dump the intermediate FO to a file, so you can inspect it.



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