Can't you use different page masters and select the one that is appropriate using some (XSLT) pre-processing?

On 06 May 2008, at 14:16, paul womack wrote:

I need to generate output (PDF) where the page
size (actually just page depth) varies
with the content.

In effect I want to generate "galleys" of text,
where the formatting width is known, but the depth
of the final output is determined by the amount
of text formatted, in effect fitting the page
to the content.

I have tried to search the documentation,
but am greatly hampered by not knowing
the terminology well enough to search effectively.

It appears that I can "fake" what I want by
either using imageprocessing to "autocrop"
the output, or (possibly) by doing
"something" to the XML area tree, and performing
a second pass, but if there's a proper
way to achieve my goal, that'd be great.

I would welcome either advice, or simply
a pointer to any relevant parts of the
specification(s) or documentation.


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