
you will find that text rendering to PDF has improved a lot since the
last Batik release. If you remove the pdf-transcoder.jar from the
classpath and instead add FOP 0.95 (including dependencies) [1], you'll
get virtually all text rendered as text instead of shapes. Please try it
out, and if it doesn't work to your satisfaction, I'll try to get you up
to speed to make further improvements.

[1] You can also download the 0.95 or Trunk sources and build
fop-transcoder-allinone.jar yourself(generated by default) which is
basically the equivalent of pdf-transcoder.jar.

On 13.11.2008 17:16:02 Martin Jacobson wrote:
> I am a newbie on this list, so please forgive me if this has been
> discussed before (I found nothing in the archive, however)...
> I have a cartographic application and I want to generate the output in
> PDF format. For many reasons, I am using SVG as an intermediate
> format, and I have been using the batik-rasterizer to convert to PDF.
> batik-rasterizer relies on FOP code for the pdf conversion, which is
> why I'm here.
> It all works, with the notable exception of road names, which are
> implemented in SVG as text on a path. I have read that this conversion
> isn't in the current version of FOP. Is anyone working on this? If so,
> what state is it in? If not, can someone tell me where I should start
> from if I were to try implementing it myself? [I'm an experienced Java
> developer, but I know v.little about PDF, and nothing about the fop
> codebase]
> Thanks,
> Martin

Jeremias Maerki

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