
Actually i'm using gedit or eclipse. The thing i'm really looking for is the auto-completion of tags, and the suggestions for options. And another option that would be interesting is to close the tags automatically, so i won't discover the error at the generation step. I'm not enough good to remember everything and i'm losting a certain amount of time with searching in the specs.

Vincent Hennebert a écrit :
Hi Erwan,

Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:
It's the same for me. And moreover, i'm on debian... and don't think use it this way

The two leading editors on Unix platforms are vim and emacs. Both are
general-purpose text editors, but can be enhanced with an XML editing

Vim has an xmledit plug-in [1] that makes if reasonably easy to edit xml
files (tag auto-completion, jump between the opening and ending tag,
etc.). I know emacs has something called a major mode for editing xml,
but I’ve never used it. Of course, those options make sense if you are
already familiar with one of those editors. Otherwise, the learning
curve may be a bit high (although I think it’s worth it, as they can be
used for many other tasks).

[1] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=301


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- Erwan -

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