I've just uploaded a new release (Version 1.3) of the PDF image support
plug-in for Apache FOP (0.95beta and later).

The plug-in allows to include existing PDF files using
fo:external-graphic and fox:external-document when generating PDF output.
It is published under the Apache License V2.0, just like Apache FOP.

For details on the plug-in, please read the README file in the

Download from here:

Changes since version 1.2:
- Fixed a NullPointerException when the MediaBox is inherited.
- An invalid page number is now properly handled.

6B2563F90128F2C4F2C5B5CD2F59BEAB  fop-pdf-images-1.3-bin.tar.gz
619BF5486A34D9E4E5ABD0E273659149  fop-pdf-images-1.3-bin.zip
252126A3CDE5EC7A48892C1787B1403C  fop-pdf-images-1.3-src.tar.gz
C77C3D5647E96233D5B1F4A3722E28E2  fop-pdf-images-1.3-src.zip

Jeremias Märki
Jeremias Märki, Software-Development and Consulting
Contact Information: http://www.jeremias-maerki.ch/contact.html
Blog: http://www.jeremias-maerki.ch/blog/

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