You can fix this by not using a keep or by a more fine-grained use of
keeps. Furthermore, I've implemented partial support for integer values
on keeps in FOP Trunk. The strengths are not yet respected but contrary
to "always", an integer value allows FOP to break a section if it would
result in an overflow otherwise. HTH

On 17.12.2008 22:16:41 Rania Saghira wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using FOP 0.95 to convert my XML documents to PDF format. With
> previous versions of FOP i was able to use the keep-together="always"
> to have my table content start on the next page if this does not fit in the
> current page. I read that the keep-together.within-page="always" should
> be equivalent to the keep-together="always" in FOP 0.25. This works in
> some cases, however if the row is larger than the page the content is
> overwriting the footer. How can i fix this?
> Any help is really appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Rania

Jeremias Maerki

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