AC> In your case not, but in many cases using many page sequences
AC> to break up the FO content can help a great deal.
I beleave that indeed.
If FO was able to flush out page by page, for instance, there woud
be no problem. Currently (with another library) I am flushing out
every 200 rows and all the thing (800 pages totally) builds in a matter
of seconds. I had to wait 10+ minutes before my previous solution
(with FOP) crashed the server :)

AC> In your situation you would indeed have to take care of pagination
That's too much pain :)

AC> I would suggest you split up the 17k rows into many tables with the
AC> same column headings (one per page with x rows of content on each
AC> page), then use the break-after="page" property to ensure the next
AC> table starts at the top of the next page.
Unfortunatelly, the client likes that table continously.
I have no idea how to achieve that without breking into FO pagination mechanism.
Which I don't want to do for sure :)

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