Drats! It's 100% reproducible here with necessary fonts. Should I post the pdf? Lend you the fonts?

Note that fop1.1rc1-VH has been tried but production is still using fop-1.0.

We have multiple cases in production. Also a variation of the problem which is losing two paragraphs when the flow extends over multiple textless pages.

Ever desparate,


On 08/03/2012 01:23 AM, Pascal Sancho wrote:

Unless I missed something, I cannot reproduce what you describe.
did you tried it without VH's patch?
I note that my FOP substitutes some fonts, that an have some effect there.
I attach the output (pdf from FOP trunk, without patch and without
your fonts), so you will see if there is something wrong in it.

2012/8/2 rsargent <rsarg...@xmission.com>:
We've hit this a couple of times now and I have a small fo showing the

In production we are using fop-1.0, but I've generated this on both
1.0 and 1.1rc1 (with a small patch from Vincent related to
page-number-stutters  )

See the top of the second page of the generated pdf: the text is indented ~
5 chars and missing the word "appears".

The full sentence is shown below.
                 <fo:inline margin-left="4pt" font-weight="normal">
                   While most PNFs remain benign, between 10-15% become
malignant. Deep-seated PNFs are at particular risk for development
                   <inline xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format";
                   .  MicroRNA misregulation appears to be a critical event
in the malignant transformation of PNFs.

I apologise for the funky fonts, but this problem is so delicate
w.r.t. content that I cannot switch out my fonts at this time.

The juxtaposition of the two simple-page-masters is critcal.  The
gap/loss always appears on the "three-side" page layouts. I have
removed any overflows (Vincent ;) ) so I don't thing that as the problem.

http://apache-fop.1065347.n5.nabble.com/file/n36563/short.xml short.xml

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