Some question in line below. Could we add some questions around smart
proxies? I don't know that I have any idea about:

 * how many smart proxies users deploy in their environments
 * what features of the smart proxy
 * what plugins to smart proxies users use

The plugin question would cover which configuration management project
users use, but it wouldn't indicate Puppet usage and Puppet 3 vs Puppet 4
usage in our ecosystem. A question around those two might be useful.

+! to splitting out the OS distros into versions (e.g. RHEL6, RHEL7, Fedora
24, CentOS 6, Debian Jessie) as that gives us a better idea of where to
focus and may help some plugins decide on what they want to focus their
support on.

Would it be worth asking an open ended question about what users pain
points are? I suppose the foreman-users post did this but still might be
worth it in the official survey.

Something to consider to help Katello developers would be a question around
how many users do not currently manage content but plan to in the future.
You could perhaps ask this more broadly about plugins that users plan to
add to their environments.

> Do you Use Locations / Organization features?

Why drop this question? Given how hotly some developers discuss this, I
think this is valuable data.

> Could you tell us more about your usage of Locations/Organizations?
> Any other feedback on your Locations/Organizations usage that you'd share?
>   I think we've gathered all the feedback we can on this last year.

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