---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 10:29:30 -0400
Subject: The various andygoth-* branches
To: fossil-users <fossil-us...@mailinglists.fossil-scm.org>

Three of six have been merged.

andygoth-user-reports is good but needs more love before it goes onto
trunk.  In particular, the submenu is too wide.  I think the "(Remove
User Flag)" submenu item definitely needs to go away.  General cleanup
of the /reports page is long overdue.  I think all of the "By Xxxxx"
submenu items need to be collapsed into a single drop-down menu, as is
done for the "Type" on the /timeline page.  Likewise, the "Types:" and
"Select year:" lines that appear on some of the graphs need to become
drop-down menus.

I tried andygoth-brackets-outside-links.  I like it better the old
way, with the brackets as part of the hyperlinks.  You are going to
need to sell me on omitting the brackets from the links.

I really do not like the andygoth-quote-apostrophe branch as it seem
to want to add a great many &#39 escapes into HTML output that does
not require it.  What problem does this branch hope to resolve?

Over on the https://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/wiki?name=Fossil+2.0
wiki page, under "Other Ideas" I've added a couple of bullets about
adding the ability to put comments on check-ins and on branches.  If
we had that capability right now, I would have simply put the remarks
above on branches and/or check-ins in the tree and skipped this email.
Having this kind of interaction recorded in the source tree for
historical reference seems to me desirable, though I do not yet know
what format the annotations would take.

D. Richard Hipp

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-dev mailing list

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