Not sure whether last night's post made it - it isn't there on the
archives.  I need help with one thing.  How can I figure out if a file
needs an update (meaning it has been updated in the repository, but
the version in the current dir is old).

  db_blob(&uuid,"SELECT uuid FROM blob, mlink, vfile WHERE "
          "blob.rid = mlink.mid AND mlink.fid = vfile.rid AND "

  db_blob(&latest, "SELECT ci.uuid FROM mlink, blob b, event, blob ci"
          " WHERE mlink.fnid=(SELECT fnid FROM filename WHERE name=%B)"
          "   AND b.rid=mlink.fid  AND event.objid=mlink.mid"
          "   AND event.objid=ci.rid ORDER BY event.mtime DESC",

  isLatest = strcmp(blob_str(&latest),blob_str(&uuid)) == 0;

That works most of the time, but is wrong. e.g. on the latest fossil
tree, www/delta1.gif shows up as isLatest == 0.  I don't understand
the schema well enough.  Anybody have ideas?


 - Venkat

Here's the first version (2009-10-29).  I hope this mailing list
allows attachments.  I haven't quite figured out the meanings of the
tables in the schema, so have mostly done a cut and paste.

The zip has 2 file in it:

1. info.c.diffs (these are diffs into src/info.c), there's a new
   subcommand finfo.   See the comment at the beginning of the function.
   Apply the patch, and build fossil.

2. vc-fossil.el, follow instructions on the top of the file to install.

I've tested it on a small project, and the basic vc-actions are fine.
There are a few things that I'd like help with.

3. The "latest" detection in the "-s" branch is hosed.  I don't
   understand enough of the schema to make it work always.  It seems
   to work most of the time now.  Search for "db_blob(&latest,"
   in the patch.

4. I'm not at all sure that I'm handing branches right.  

I hope that this will provide a starting point for this effort.  I
will continue to improve it as I can.  It will definitely help me
promote fossil internally, as we use emacs heavily.

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