On 05/12/2010 10:37 PM, zachtodd wrote:
> Jeremy, a per project security attribute that allows all developers
> to assign to each other is an interesting idea.

That's not what's being asked for. In fossil there are a set of 
available capabilities. For each user, admin can check a box whether 
that user has a given capability. There are some convenient groupings of 
capabilities to make it easy to assign common sets to users, and admin 
can change what capabilities are contained in each grouping. So if 
there's a capability to be added that doesn't wholly belong to any 
existing capability, to be consistent with the rest of fossil it should 
be its own capability that can be assigned or not to any actual user or 
capability group.

E.g., On some of my projects, the repos are private. I've disabled all 
public and anonymous access, and I've added those capabilities to 
Reader. Who are Readers for me? They're the several other stakeholders 
who work with the software I'm developing but aren't developers. I give 
them source reading access so they can see the timeline, and they can 
create tickets to document issues they find. I also create tickets for 
them sometimes when there's some related information gathering, etc.. 
that needs to be done. In my case, I would give ticket re-assign 
capability to Readers (them) as well as to Developers (me), since if I 
create a ticket for the wrong person or someone else has the free time 
first, I want them to be able to reassign tickets as needed.

But this brings up the issue that apparently to use your new ticket 
assignment system--which lists developers only as possible assignees--I 
would have to make all my other users developers, even though they 
shouldn't have write access to the source. I think "may be assigned 
tickets" should be one capability belonging to developers by default, 
and "may reassign tickets" should be another capability belonging to 
admins or developers by default. In the small-team proprietary projects 
I've worked on and the larger open source ones I've observed, 
reassigning would have been a capability of any developer, limited by 
group expectations, but if you work with the existing capability system, 
who gets the capability is easily changed, so I have no strong opinion 
on whether reassign should be admins-only by default.

Joshua Paine
LetterBlock: Web applications built with joy
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