I just want to throw this out there...

Since I began using Fossil, I've tried to evangelize it because I know 
that the more users, the greater tool support, the longer life, the 
greater the product. Do you know how many people I've got to use Fossil 
for any length of time? 2 and one of them is my brother!

The conversation goes something like this. DSCM? Integrated Wiki? 
Integrated Ticket System? Wow! Dude, I can replace my trac (others 
redmine) install with one binary? It works w/o issues on Windows and 
Unix variants? Wow! That's awesome, I'm going to download it now.

A bit later, hey Jeremy, how do I make the wiki work? I can only make 
list items work but *bold*, //italic// doesn't work and how do I include 
a block of code as an example? I respond, in Fossil you use, 
<b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i> and <pre>code</pre>. Um, ok. is there 
response. Later, how do I do nested lists? My response is, fossil only 
supports the first depth for lists. If you want to use nested lists, 
fossil supports HTML in it's wiki. Response = Really? Hm. Then it comes 
to some other formatting, maybe tables.. as the conversation continues, 
they say I think I'll stick with Trac/Redmine.

This is not an isolated occurrence. I have had at least 10 of these 
conversations, so, 20% (really 10% because I forced my brother to use 
it) of the people I've tried to convert have used it for at least one 
project, the rest say no way, that wiki stinks. One person stated it 
well, It's not a wiki, it's just editable HTML pages, and that's more 
true than saying fossil has a wiki system, IMHO.

As time goes on and I see such a strong stance against any formal wiki 
syntax I get less and less excited about using Fossil. For my main 
project, Josl, I am just about to the point of dropping Fossil and using 
Git|Darcs and Remine myself. I may be announcing this in this upcoming 
week, why? 100% because of the wiki.

It's funny because people complain that why use Creole? Why use 
Markdown? Neither are a standard, yet they are happy with the **very** 
unstandard Fossil wiki markup, because it is a very weird mixture 
between HTML and Wiki syntax, thus it's yet ANOTHER format that is NOT 
shared between ANY wiki system. At least Creole and Markdown ARE shared 
between MANY of wiki systems. So in the name of no standard wiki system, 
instead of helping to solve the problem, Fossil seeks to further divide.

It's very, very, very discouraging to me. The more I think about it, the 
more I think I'll be using git/darcs with trac/redmine. I'm very sorry 
to report this, I like Fossil quite a bit but cannot deal with the wiki. 
I can't deal with telling others about it. Why not just use Fossil as 
the SCM and include a diff wiki system? How do the two integrate? Now I 
have to setup themes in both? Now I have to mirror user accounts? How 
can I reference a ticket number from the wiki? How can I reference a SCM 
REV # from the wiki? How do I easily reference a ticket number from 
Fossil? A wiki page? It's a mess.

The integration of Redmine/SCM or Trac/SCM is fantastic and it's what 
Fossil could be but has clearly said it doesn't want to be.


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