On 25 June 2010 11:15, Sergey Sfeli <sergey.sf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ruslan Popov wrote:
> > I've tried to use Fossil on russian version of Windows 7. I made commit with
> > russian text in comment, when I run the UI and look at timeline, I saw that
> > russian text looks like squares.
> Why don't just use text editor that supports UTF-8 and write your
> comments in UTF-8 instead of cp1251? You can set/change default text
> editor with "fossil set editor anything-else-than-notepad" (I am using
> Notepad2, for example).
> Question to Richard Hipp: can you please add any UTF-8 character(s) to the
> following text to help text editors to auto-detect the right encoding?
> # Enter comments on this check-in.  Lines beginning with # are ignored.
> # The check-in comment follows wiki formatting rules.
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The correct character to add would be U+FEFF (UTF-8 "\xEF\xBB\xBF")
"ZERO-WIDTH NON-BREAKING SPACE", commonly called the byte order mark,
and which may be familiar for showing up as "" in badly encoded
documents. For sensible programs, this should be a dead give away to
switch into UTF-8 mode; chief among these programs Notepad. For
programs which assume UTF-8 but don't detect based upon BOMs it should
be an invisible character.
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