On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 5:11 PM,  <sky5w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Fossil failed on filenames containing brackets - [].  Huh?
> Browsing the mail shows this to be a known issue.
> Browsing the responses came up short.
> Any glaring reason(s) for not allowing certain wildcards in filenames?
> Especially when competing SCM's are already past this...

In some development environments, these characters are not a problem.
Only the characters used by the file system, such as / in Unix/Linux
and \ and : in Windows, are not allowed in file names. However, in
environments that, directly or indirectly, use command line
processing, such as shell scripts, .BAT scripts and even make files,
these characters are often used for other purposes and will cause
problems if not properly quoted and/or escaped. That typically adds ',
" and \ to the list of problem characters. Also, ; is often used as a
command delimiter, and the space and tab characters are often used as
parameter delimiters.

As antiquated as it may sound, there as still many tools that assume
these restrictions are in place. (As an FYI. even Windows admins use a
command line environment, especially for custom automated procedures,
which is why Windows still has a command line.)

All that said, however, it would make sense to make the prohibition of
these characters a configurable setting. There are plenty of new
developpers who have never had to worry about these restrictions, so
will likely choose an SCM that either lacks these restrictions or can
be configured to disable them.
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