On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 19:37:07 -0400
Ron Wilson <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Fossil failed on filenames containing brackets - [].  Huh?
> > Browsing the mail shows this to be a known issue.
> > Browsing the responses came up short.
> > Any glaring reason(s) for not allowing certain wildcards in
> > filenames? Especially when competing SCM's are already past this...
> In some development environments, these characters are not a problem.
> Only the characters used by the file system, such as / in Unix/Linux
> and \ and : in Windows, are not allowed in file names. However, in
> environments that, directly or indirectly, use command line
> processing, such as shell scripts, .BAT scripts and even make files,
> these characters are often used for other purposes and will cause
> problems if not properly quoted and/or escaped. That typically adds ',
> " and \ to the list of problem characters. Also, ; is often used as a
> command delimiter, and the space and tab characters are often used as
> parameter delimiters.
> All that said, however, it would make sense to make the prohibition of
> these characters a configurable setting. There are plenty of new
> developpers who have never had to worry about these restrictions, so
> will likely choose an SCM that either lacks these restrictions or can
> be configured to disable them.
I concur.  There is a huge difference between having the need to tweak
something to get the desired functionality and complete inability to
get it (commenting out some source code would be a solution only in a
tiny fraction of possible cases, I reckon).
So, a user-configurable setting to switch off banning of this
additional set of characters in filenames would be just OK I think.
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