
on Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 06:08, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> For information there is a fast, simple and easy to use library
> (license BSD 2 clauses) that maybe used for that:
> http://fossil.instinctive.eu/libupskirt/home it is easy to bundle if desired.

I thought I would chime in on this point (despite my huge backlog on
this list). I am the author of the above mentioned library, and I would
be very glad to provide any help that I can for bundling/integrating
the library into fossil, if you choose to try it out.

I remember a long while back, it was proposed to allow all kind of
formatting in the wiki by providing an external command to turn said
formatting into HTML, though I don't know how it ended (as I said, my
backlog is huge).

> Markdown is a really simple format that would imho greatly improve the
> embed wiki of fossil.

As a fossil user, I would love to have the option to use Markdown in the
wiki (with the option of dumbing down to forbid inline HTML which might
be unsafe -- exactly the same option as it exists today).


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