Hi Justin,

My English is not well. I don't know that you said "everything worked" means
> you get a different result of the last timeline command. My result is:

Yes, I get a different result than you. What I find is for the server
repository :

=== 2011-08-11 ===
13:41:50 [925ffeb995] *CURRENT* client1 (user: tkott tags: trunk)
13:39:50 [0ba8f3b0aa] server0 (user: tkott tags: trunk)
13:39:24 [1b99421da6] initial empty check-in (user: tkott tags: trunk)

I.e., fossil syncs, pushes, and pulls correctly.

One thought just came to mind, you can add the option "--httptrace" to the
"fossil sync" command. I don't actually know what it does, but it has been
suggested before in other situations where something bout the sync isn't
working. I believe it will create a couple of files in your repo folder that
have a copy of the HTTP commands sent back and forth as described here:

Give that a shot and let us know what happens.

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