On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 6:16 AM, Jeff Slutter <j...@slutter.com> wrote:

>  Interesting...
> I failed to mention in my post that my version of fossil was from 'trunk'
> sometime this afternoon, build with MSVC 2008. I also made one minor change
> to fix handling for repos > 2gig (MSVC build version only...patch was sent
> to drh).

This _might_ be relevant, might not:

fossil help set

   repo-cksum       Compute checksums over all files in each checkout
                    as a double-check of correctness.  Defaults to "on".
                    Disable on large repositories for a performance

   mtime-changes    Use file modification times (mtimes) to detect when
                    files have been modified.  (Default "on".)

if mtime-changes is off then it does a longer check on each file. That
"shouldn't", i think, affect your 1-file commit UNLESS you do:

fossil commit -m '...'

_without_ specifying any files (in which case fossil has to figure out
what's changed, and with 78k files that's gonna take a while).

----- stephan beal
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