On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Jeff Slutter <j...@slutter.com> wrote:

> Add was sub 1 second
> Commit took 59 seconds

A few weeks ago someone posted about horrible performance in his BSD Ports
repo - many tens of thousands of files. Richard explained (though i cannot
find the post at the moment) something about an O(N) factor which gets
really slow when you have many, many, many files. IIRC, anyway. Maybe
someone who organizes their mails better than i knows which post i'm talking
about and can explain this in more detail.

I repeated 3 more times (increasing the test?.txt counter) and it was
> 17-18 seconds each time. Perhaps some sort of OS level caching. Also,
> the final one I did a commit without specifying the file on the command
> line and it took 17 seconds.

Interesting - i would expect that last one to take much longer in your case.
That shows how much i know about Fossil's internals ;).

----- stephan beal
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