On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 10:55 AM, Gilles <gilles.gana...@free.fr> wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Oct 2011 10:30:46 -0400, Tomek Kott
> <tkott.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >So the checkout issue I'm not sure about, because that's how I started
> using
> >winfossil as well. I have two thoughts. By default, WinFossil looks for
> >'.fsl' type extensions. This might be somehow screwing things up because
> it
> >can't match what it expects the fossil repo to be named vs. what it is
> >named. You can change that in WinFossil settings.
> I did change the default extension from .fsl to .repo, but I was
> wondering how to use WinFossil on files that have been checked out by
> opening the repo using the CLI. I guess that's what Repo > Select
> checkout does?
> Yep, it should. It's worked for me for all of the repo's I've tried. You
could always try closing the checkout and opening it with WinFossil instead.
Are you using a relatively up to date version of fossil? I think WinFossil
needs at least 1.18 or some such...

If you are still having trouble, I do think Ingo is responsive, so you could
always submit it as a bug, and see what insight Ingo has.

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