On Thu, 6 Oct 2011 11:01:43 -0400, Tomek Kott
<tkott.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yep, it should. It's worked for me for all of the repo's I've tried.

So I guess WinFossil doesn't work when the repo is opened at the root
of a partition that contains a lot of directories because it will go
through each one looking for files that are under source control...
which can take a look time, and can even fail if a directory contains
characters it doesn't like.

>could always try closing the checkout and opening it with WinFossil instead.
>Are you using a relatively up to date version of fossil? I think WinFossil
>needs at least 1.18 or some such...

Yes, I upgraded Fossil to the latest and greatest (1.19).

>If you are still having trouble, I do think Ingo is responsive, so you could
>always submit it as a bug, and see what insight Ingo has.

I'll sum up the issues I'm having and create a few tickets.

Thank you.

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