On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Mark Janssen <mpc.jans...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Without wanting to open a huge can of worms, IMHO a DVCS should return
> artifacts unmodified (e.g. treat everything as a binary file).

And Fossil does exactly that.  It preserves all files exactly.

But in many parts of the world, when you are running windows, you have to
convert characters for display on the console.  So, the generic routine for
displaying text on the console - the routine that you modified - needs to
convert to whatever character codes are used by the locale setting.  Note
that Fossil assumes that standard output is going to a console, not to a
file.  Conversions are appropriate on standard output.

If you specify the filename for the artifact as the 3rd argument:

     fossil artifact abc123 somefile.jpg

Then no conversions will occur.  Only if you redirect standard output to a

    fossil artifact abc123 >somefile.jpg

Only then do conversions happen.  And even then, the conversions only
happen on windows - the two command give identical results on unix.

The conversion of character encodings on standard output is necessary for
international windows users.  I agree that it is goofy, but that is the way
it has to be.  Fuss at Bill Gates, not me.

> In my
> experience any automatic conversions are fragile and promote
> sloppiness and it quickly leads to the mess of guessing if an artifact
> is binary or text. If the encoding of a source file matters for
> non-UTF windows users they should store the file in the encoding that
> works for them or use ASCII only options to store non-ASCII chars
> (\u....... for example).
> Mark
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