Thank you for the reply.  That's pretty much what I figured.  

FWIW, I do have the USER environment variable set., "USER=cchriste".

Trouble is, this condition occurs when running the test suite (make test) after 
compiling from source.  I'm assuming the test suite creates its own repo, so I, 
as user/administrator have no influence over it, and no way to interact with it.

Looking at the merge5/m5.fossil repo, I see the users table has user, "drh", in 
addition to the default user accounts.  If I change the test command to:

USER=drh && make test

The merge5 tests complete successfully.  So I'm good now as far as testing the 
binary I built.

But this seems like a bug in the test suite where user, "drh", seems to be 
hard-coded?  I sure don't have user drh on my system :-))

In test/merge5.test, I see this code:

# Construct a test repository
exec sqlite3 m5.fossil <$testdir/${testfile}_repo.sql
fossil rebuild m5.fossil

merge5_repo.sql explicitly inserts user drh into the repo.  And I don't see an 
instruction in merge5.test where the current user is added to the repo.


 From: Jan Nijtmans <>
To: Fossil SCM user's discussion <> 
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [fossil-users] V1.24 make test
2012/10/22 Clark Christensen <>:
> /home/cchriste/build/fossil-src-20121022124804/fossil commit -tag m1 -m
> {merge with br1} -nosign -f
> ERROR: Cannot figure out who you are!  Consider using the --user
> command line option, setting your USER environment variable,
> or setting a default user with "fossil user default USER".


$ fossil user default <username>
Cannot figure out who you are!  Consider using the --user
command line option, setting your USER environment variable,
or setting a default user with "fossil user default USER".
fossil: cannot determine user


$ fossil clone -A <username>
Cannot figure out who you are!  Consider using the --user
command line option, setting your USER environment variable,
or setting a default user with "fossil user default USER".
fossil: cannot determine user

It would be strange to have to write --user <username> here,
as it can be derived from the command-line already which
username is required....

       Jan Nijtmans
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