On 29 October 2012 02:44, K <k...@lightpowered.org> wrote:

> Literally my first day using Fossil I ran into a problem, the wiki naming
> limitation. This doesn't seem too obscure to not warrant a tweak to the
> code.

The "obscure" part isn't the naming limitation, it's the desire to have
page names under 3 characters in length.  Fossil's been around for quite a
while now and *nobody* has noticed this limitation before because,
apparently, the overwhelming majority of users use 3 or more characters.

I'm not sure what the ramifications are—if any—to use of 2 or 1 characters
for wiki names, but I'm pretty sure that the devs are going to look closely
at these potential problems before modifying anything.  And, likely, that
look will be a pretty low priority.

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