On Sat, 01 Dec, Jan Nijtmans wrote:

> I agree with Richard on this. The most important part of the patch is
> already on trunk now: allowing '[', ']', '"', '*' and '?' in
> filenames.

Really? That's the part I am interested in, but I do not see that
merged into trunk:

sbellon@slim$ fossil status | egrep "(checkout|tags)"
checkout:     99ab9fb47cfb20106564012b7678ca5d579060af 2012-12-01 04:49:38 UTC
tags:         trunk
sbellon@slim$ grep "not contain any of these characters" src/file.c 
**     *  Does not contain any of these characters in the path: "\*[]?"

That's the part I am interested in and I think this should go into
trunk. It makes the code even simpler and not more complex because it
removes an exceptional case which is questionable anyway.

Regarding the Unicode part of the patch, I agree that this may need
some further attention.

> The added value of the remaining part is minimal: It would
> make the win32 build of fossil do the same as the cygwin build of
> fossil. So, you have the functionality already: Just build fossil.exe
> for cygwin, it does exactly the same.

For some reasons, cygwin is no option here.

> That's not sufficient excuse to rush it into 1.25. And missing is
> still a test-case description of exactly what is the added value:
> What can you do with the changed version what cannot be
> done with the trunk version.

Well ... having filenames with [ ] " * and ? in the repository and in
checkouts if the underlying OS supports it.


Stefan Bellon
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