-DLL = Windows.
I do not use window$
-Warning does not stop compiling... :-)

-Why do I ask for --static compilation to succeed

Don't forget that if you would like Fossil to be used, it must be easy to 
compile, especially with option --static.
People would like to use a DVCS everywhere with any distro with the SAME 
binary, not the one specific to a distro.
Darcs, I've downloaded, runs everywhere...

I do use at least, Linux Mint, Porteus, Slackware, CentOS, debian...
Sometimes in Live CD mode sometimes not...

Sometimes Ubuntu.

Just sayin'

BTW, Thanks to people who tries to fix this.

Best Regards


stephan beal wrote :

On Linux the networking-related libraries cannot be statically linked (for 
reasons i once knew but no longer recall). Or they _can_ be linked but the 
linker will warn you that it's not _really_ statically linking them and that 
the DLL will be used at run-time. Fossil's TCL support also appears to use 
dlopen(), which cannot be used in statically-linked programs (at least on 
Linux). Like networking libs, it will produce warnings like:

warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime 
the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
----- stephan beal
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