
1/ Thank you very much Edward Berner. You rock my world.
Of course, embedded system must use light libc...
I've seen that some software uses dietlibc.
In my point of view, static linking can be done in this area, so it will be 
easier to spread Fossil everywhere with network support.

2/ I find that strange that a software needs manifest fix to compile without 
I agree with you that maybe it is what I've done (fossil close) that may did 

3/ Could you help Fossil team with dietlibc ?

4/ Crashing...
I do compile Fossil in Porteus to unsure that _if_ it is possible to compile in 
Porteus, it will be possible EVERYWHERE to compile it WITHOUT issues.
I do use Porteus 64 bit for that purpose. And I do run the resulting binary in 
Porteus 64 bit either... :-)
The "Crashing" thing occur when I do compile with --static option...

5/ Question: why is it a DNS resolver issue ?

Best Regards


Edward Berner wrote :
I think that for static linking on Linux you may need to look at what 
the embedded Linux folks are doing.  I think the alternate libc 
libraries (musl libc, uclibc, dietlibc, etc.) have static linking as an 
explicit design goal.

-- Edward Berner

On 1/31/2013 12:35 PM, K. Fossil user wrote:
> Hello all of you,


> 2/ serious issue
> I've downloaded today's timeline trunk:
> $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
> --with-openssl=none \
> --static \
> --json \
> --markdown
> $ make
> ## all seems ok !
> $ sudo make install
> $ fossil open fossil.fossil
> $ fossil update
> Autosync:  http://www2.fossil-scm.org/
> Segmentation faultrtifacts sent: 0  received: 0

I'd guess that it's crashing in the DNS resolver, although I wouldn't expect it 
to crash if it is running on the same host it was built on.  I played with the 
static linking stuff a while back and I think I saw this behavior when I 
compiled on a 64 bit Ubuntu and ran on a 32 bit, or something like that.

> $ fossil close fossil.fossil

The "fossil close" caused the problem below...

> ## delete all the files...
> $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
> --with-openssl=none \
> --json \
> --markdown
> $ make
> make: *** No rule to make target `src/../manifest.uuid', needed by 
> `bld/VERSION.h'.  Stop.

If a repository's "manifest" setting is on then the "manifest" and 
"manifest.uuid" files are included in the checkout directory when a repository 
is opened with "fossil open" (and in the files created by the "fossil zip" and 
"fossil tarball" commands).  But they're removed by "fossil close".

Fossil requires the "manifest" and "manifest.uuid" files to build, so you'll 
need to get them back.  Running "fossil open" again would probably do it.

Edward Berner
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